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 getcwd()                Get Path Name of Current Working Directory

 #include   <dir.h>                      Required for declarations only

 char       *getcwd(pathbuf,n);
 char       *pathbuf;                    Storage location of path name
 int        n;                           Maximum length of path name

    getcwd() gets the full path name of the current working directory and
    stores it in 'pathbuf'.  The path name (including terminating NULL
    character) cannot be any longer than the integer specified by 'n'.

       Returns:     A pointer to 'pathbuf' if successful, or NULL if
                    there is insufficient memory to allocate 'n' bytes,
                    or the path name is too long. A NULL return value
                    causes 'errno' to be set to:

                ENODEV:  No such device;
                ENOMEM:  Insufficient memory; malloc() couldn't allocate
                         'n' bytes (see below); or
                ERANGE:  Path name longer than 'n' characters.

         Notes:     If the 'pathbuf' argument is NULL, the function will
                    automatically allocate a buffer of size 'n', using
                    malloc(). The buffer can be freed by using the return
                    value of getcwd() (which is a pointer to the buffer)
                    as the argument to free().

   Portability:     MS-DOS only.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statement stores the name of the current working
    directory in 'pbuff':

           #include <dir.h>            /* getcwd declared */
           #include <stdlib.h>         /* perror declared */
           #include <stdio.h>          /* NULL defined   */

           char pbuff[30];

               if (getcwd(pbuff,64) == NULL)
                   perror("unable to get path name");

See Also: chdir() mkdir() rmdir()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson